- Thanks to 10 kW of power, this innovative induction hob is particularly versatile: its 30 litre tank can be used for both frying and pasta cooking - The absence of a heating element in the bottom of the tank combined with an all s/steel structure and a practical drain tap make this model extremely easy to clean - Sealed touch buttons allow the digital setting of cooking temperatures and cooking times - A safety system prevents accidental operation when empty and a safety thermostat disconnects power if temperature exceeds 260°C - 40 cm large and integrates fully with other kitchen equipment of 90 cm width Optional: - Fryer kit 1 that includes basket and a dedicated lid for up 20 kg product loading - Pasta kit 6 that includes six 1/6 GN baskets and a dedicated lid - Pasta kit 4+1 that includes four 1/6 GN and one 1/3 GN baskets and a dedicated lid


Dieses Produkt erscheint in:


  • Modell: IH 30 LT 90
  • Spannung: watt 10.000
  • Betriebspannung: 3ph
  • Schaltuhr: min. 0 ÷ 180
  • Temperatur: °C 80 ÷ 190
  • Becken Nützliche Kapazität: lt 30
  • A: mm 400
  • B: mm 900
  • C: mm 980
  • Nettogewicht: kg 60
  • Verpack. abmessungen: mm 500x970x1000
  • Btrutogewicht: kg 72

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