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- Column ozone generator - With a rated Ozone production of 112 g/h and its dual fan, the Maxi Tower Top sanitizes up to 1440 m2 - Especially suitable for large areas: supermarkets, shopping malls, schools, greenhouses, fitness centres, theatres, cinemas, industrial and commercial buildings - Ideal against, moulds, bacteria, viruses, parasites and bad smells - Smart Aisi 304 stainless steel construction fits in any setting Programmable digital control panel equipped with safety lock and: 1.daily start and stop programming 0-24h 2.weekly start and stop programming 3.Ozone concentration setting from 1 to 4 ppm 4.The eprom memory prevents loss of the set programs, date and time, even if power is cut off



  • Modell: O3 Maxi Tower Top
  • Spannung: watt 740
  • Betriebspannung: 1ph
  • Leistung O3: g/h 112
  • Schaltuhr: h. 0-24
  • Belüftung: m3/h 165 x2
  • A: mm 322
  • B: mm 145
  • C: mm 336
  • D: mm 186
  • E: mm 1806
  • F: mm 176
  • Nettogewicht: kg 14.5
  • Verpack. Abmessungen: -
  • Bruttogewicht: -
  • HS-CODE: 84051000

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