Minimal and compact, it is the smallest dishwasher in the line, suitable for washing glasses and coffee cups. The closure has no visible screws. It has a soft-closing door and a full double wall in the side. Display and inner Led in 9 different colors.
Integrated reverse osmosis with continuous operation - Fast and perfect drying without streaks - Protects the machine from wear
Integrated ozone air/water sanitization - Sanitizer and anti-odour for dishes and machine interior - Washes at low temperatures with absolute hygiene
Green - 65% saving on detergents and rinse aids - Reduced environmental impact


Dieses Produkt erscheint in:


  • Modell: OSMO3 40
  • Waschzyklen: Personalizzabili
  • korb: cm 40x40
  • Stromversorgung: 230V/50Hz
  • Kesselelement: kw 3
  • Tankelement: kw 2
  • Spülpumpe: Hp 0,2
  • Gesamtstromverbrauch: kw 3,5
  • Kesselkapazität: lt 4
  • Tankkapazität: lt 6,5
  • Wasserverbrauch pro Zyklus: lt 3
  • Wasserdruck: bar 2-4
  • Spülsystem: inferiore
  • Maximale Ladehöhe: cm 29
  • Max Temperatur des einströmenden Wassers in °C: °C 20
  • Durchschnittliche Kapazität Schalen/h: cm 30
  • Gesamtabmessungen: cm 50x54 h. 72,5

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