- Max capacity: 18 Kg - Energy efficiency class C - Delayed ignition up to 23h - Selection from 10 washing programs - Special programs: - Sanitizing program - Ecolavaggio®: perfect laundry even at low temperatures. - Speed Spray allows a complete Cotton cycle in just 30 minutes. - Washing Schedule function to program the end of washing - Optimal Program: Recommend the optimal program according to the type of load and the level of soiling - SmartThings (Wi-fi) App to monitor and control laundry - Diagnostic function detects any problems and provides useful tips for routine maintenance. - Centrifugal efficiency class B - Max spin speed rpm 1100 - Duration of the program: - full load 240 min. - half load 180 min. - a quarter load 180 min. - Centrifugal noise 72 dB (A) - Noise class A - Smart Link: washing machine and dryer always connected - Smart Check: problem monitoring, detection and fault and error diagnostics, simple and quick solutions. - VRT Plus ™: innovative technology that reduces noise and engine vibrations during washing. - Eco-cleaning Basket +: removes 99% of dirt and 99.9% of bacteria cause bad odors from the drum, gasket and porthole without the use of detergents.


Dieses Produkt erscheint in:


  • Modell: LAV 18
  • Aufgenommene Leistung: watt 2.200
  • Betriebspannung: 1ph
  • Wasserdruck: kPa 50-780
  • Schleuderdrehzahl: rpm 1.100
  • Kapazität: kg 18
  • Abmessungen max: mm 686x796 h.984
  • Nettogewicht: kg 104
  • Verpack. abmessungen: mm 746x898x1076
  • Bruttogewicht: kg 107

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