
5 advantages of sous-vide cooking

Новости | 31-е марта 2023

Who hasn’t heard of sous-vide cooking? After its debut in the kitchens of starred chefs, sous-vide quickly conquered the entire restaurant industry, making it indispensable, from luxury restaurants to catering services.

But what are the advantages of a technique that up to a couple of decades ago was available only to an exclusive niche?

1. Quality of dishes: enhanced flavours and consistent texture

Sous-vide cooking prevents food liquids from evaporating, thus preserving its natural fragrance. Moreover, preparing marinated and seasoned food combining sous-vide with slow cooking enhances aromas, whereas low temperatures preserve the food’s nutrients.

But there’s more. Sous-vide cooking ensures excellent texture, which traditional methods don’t often achieve. This aspect particularly applies to meat, where extended cooking times allow for a soft and juicy texture, even in less valuable and tender cuts.


2. Ease of use: consistent temperatures and reliable results

Temperatures and cooking times are different from traditional ones and need specific recipes(SRCS) and some habit changes. Since sous-vide enhances flavours, it’s important not to overdo it with seasoning and marinating.

However, life gets easier if you have a sous-vide recipe book. In professional machines, the temperature is set with extreme precision; it spreads evenly and is monitored consistently for reliable results every time. Moreover, sous-vide cooking minimises waste resulting from errors or minor occurrences and maintains the quality of the dishes.

3. Optimised work schedule

It’s true, sous-vide cooking can take longer than traditional methods. However, its ease of use and preservation options allow you to manage work more efficiently and be more productive.

Sous-vide requires minimum supervision, allowing you to do other activities. You can even monitor the appliance remotely if the machine is managed via an app likeSoftcooker Wi-Food SIRMAN.


At the same time, you can also programme the preparation of your dishes. Moreover, once the sous-vide procedure is complete, you can blast chill cooked food and store it for a few days without altering its organoleptic properties. Then, briefly brown the dish on a grill or in a frying pan before serving or heat it in the oven for a perfect result.

4. No waste with sous-vide

The cost of sous-vide machines is irrelevant. They can even make you save money, especially in kitchens that work with large amounts of food.

Dishes prepared using conventional techniques suffer a weight loss that can reach and sometimes exceed 20% of the product. By using the sous-vide method, this drop in weight is almost null. Of course, this will result in huge savings over large volumes and long periods of time.

5. La sicurezza

A professional sous-vide machine allows for almost total vacuum, preventing bacteria proliferation and ensuring safe food and long shelf life. A further assurance for safe food preparation is the potential for total temperature control and the certainty of homogenous cooking.

Sous-vide appliances can cook fresh food without any risk and, indeed, ensures very high safety and quality of dishes.

In other words, the sous-vide technique is so successful because of its versatility and ease of use. Moreover, it ensures quality and cost-effectiveness, making it an indispensable tool in any professional kitchen.

Softcooker Wi-Food SIRMAN

Softcooker Wi-Food X NFC.jpg


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