


17-е октября 2025 - 21-е октября 2025

ПавильонPavilion 3, stand A47 A65 C48 C66

EVENT | 31-е марта 2023

Fiera italia.jpg

HOST 2025 - Sirman presents its innovations for professional hospitality and catering

From October 17 to 21, 2025, Sirman will be present at HOST, the world's leading trade fair dedicated to the hospitality and catering industry. The event will take place at Fiera Milano, in Rho, Italy. HOST 2025 is the international hub of innovation for the Ho.Re.Ca. and retail industry, offering a unique opportunity to discover the latest trends, technologies, and solutions for the sector.

How to reach the Sirman stand

Position within the fair

Visit Sirman at Pavilion 3, stand A47 A65 C48 C66 of Fiera Milano. Our large exhibition space will be easily recognizable thanks to its innovative design and live demonstrations of our cutting-edge equipment for professional catering.

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