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- Suitable for small workshops and large restaurants or canteens - Reliable, user-friendly and easy to clean - AISI 304 stainless steel body - Self-supporting structure with 4 stainless steel wheels - Powerful, air-cooled motor with oil bath gear box reducer - High-performance and easy to remove kneading paddle - Interlocked stainless steel lid - Convenient removable funnel to add liquid ingredients during processing - Stainless steel worm, head and ring - IP 67 stainless steel controls - Forced air-cooling system for heavy-duty use Options: - Full availability of any kind of dies - Variable-speed pasta cutter - Uniforming filter - Ravioli maker and molds - Head cooling kit in 2 solutions: - Frio 5: kit with pipes only for non-returnable water connection - Frio R: additional kit with recirculation pump - SRCS wifi control board


Dieses Produkt erscheint in:


  • Modell: Orchestra 10 T
  • Spannung: watt 2.250 - Hp 3
  • Betriebspannung: 3ph
  • Beken Kapazität: lt 21
  • Teig Kapazität: kg 9,8
  • Matrize: ø mm 110
  • A: mm 540
  • B: mm 532
  • C: mm 628
  • D: mm 778
  • E: mm 725
  • F: mm 39
  • G: mm 493
  • H: mm 801
  • Nettogewich: kg 72
  • HS-CODE: 84381090

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