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22. Oktober 2024 - 25. Oktober 2024

Pavillon xxx

FAIR | 31. März 2023

OrtHanoi - Vietnam

Food & Hotel Hanoi 2023 will introduce to visitors a wide range of food products and modern equipment and services. Over 140 companies from 17 countries and regions, including 12 group pavilions, are ready to introduce an extensive assortment of top-notch products and services to thousands of interested buyers. From food and beverages, food ingredients, catering equipment, specialty coffee equipment, bakery equipment, tableware and furnishing, to disruptive technology for back-end foodservice and front-end guest experiences, Food&Hotel Hanoi caters to the diverse needs of the Northern Vietnam’s thriving markets. The inaugural edition is taking place from 21 to 23 November 2023 in the International Center for Exhibition (I.C.E) Hanoi, with a packed programme of exciting culinary and barista competitions; insightful talks, workshops, and seminars; not to mention the comprehensive product showcase spanning across 5,649 square meters of the exhibition space.

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